Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 30

Who are you?

I’m Michelle, who are you?

Day 28 Oops

What attracts you to someone

A good personality and nice eyes.

Day 29

Future plans/ goals

Finish my lang homework so I can finish my gov outline so I can go to musical rehearsal so I can do the musical so I can take the AP exams so I can go to college so I can go to grad school so I can get a job so I can find a husband so I can have kids so I can live happily ever after until global warming kills us all. (:

Day 27

Your fashion style

Weird.  Definitely weird.  A mix of Hot Topic, Forever21, and Kohls.  It’s definitely very interesting.

Day 26

First 10 songs to play on shuffle on your iPod.

1.  Undone by Lifehouse

2.  I Do Not Want This by Nine Inch Nails

3.  Good Morning Baltimore

4.  There’s A Class For This by Cute is What we Aim For

5.  Good Girl Gone Bad by Rihanna

6.  Trainwreck by Demi Lovato

7.  Ready for the Good Times by Shakira

8.  Conspiracy by Paramore

9.  My Favorite Things

10.  Silent Movie by Natasha Bedingfield

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 25

How you found out about Blogger and why you made one

My Glindala and Misfit Librarian made me!  Well not really, Tumblr was just boring.

Worst Day Ever

I return to school after being absent for over a week and am forced to take two tests that I was not in the least prepared for.  My favorite necklace breaks.  My new headphones break.  And I have a novel by JAMES JOYCE that needs to be read and finished for an ESSAY TEST tomorrow.  Owwww.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 24

A song that makes you smile


Ohey thar!  Working on a C-SPAN documentary project for my AP Government class.  Fun stuff!  :D

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day Twenty-Three

What would you find in your bag

The world; I have EVERYTHING in there.  Cough drops, tissues, band-aids, advil, make-up, you name it.


Sick all week.  So sick I’ve been wondering where the expression “sick as a dog” comes from.  Virus, virus, go away.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day Twenty-two

Your nicknames and why you have them

Elphaba, Elphia, Fabala, Fae, Alice

What more needs to be said? <3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day Twenty-One

Short goals that you wish to fulfill by the end of the month

Finish college applications

30-Day challenge

AP Gov project

Headaches & back pain go away

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day Nineteen

A Letter To Your Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you for all the love you’ve given me; for taking care of me when I’m sick, for paying for my education, for supporting my hobbies and interests, for always being there for me.  I love you more than anything in the world.

Love, your baby girl

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day Nineteen

A Habit You Wish You Didn’t Have

Biting my fingers.  Ugh.

Day Eighteen

A Letter To Someone You Miss

Dear Glinda,

You better get your but home soon.  Jus’ sayin’.

Love Elphie <3

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day Fifteen

Just to get it out of the way:

What you would if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant

Well I’d love to see the day when I get someone pregnant…

But I’d probably be disowned and dead.  Jus’ sayin’

Day Fourteen

Something you love about yourself

I can cheer people up even when I feel like crap.  As long as I can make some one else happy, it makes me feel happier.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

You Are Sixteen, Going on Seventeen….

Yep, today is my seventeenth birthday, I figure, why the hell not be ridiculously cheesy and cliché?  It’s what I’m best at!  So yom huledet sameach, feliz cumpleanos, and all that jazz!  Hope y’all have a great day!

I am 16 going on 17
I know that i'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe

I am 16 going on 17 innocent as a rose
Bachelor dandies
Drinkers of brandies
What do I know of those

Hehe, yep innocent as a rose!

Day Thirteen

Your least favorite female group

Cheetah Girls and any other Disney “bands,” or “singers.”

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day Eleven

A letter to one of your exes.

Dear ____,

All that you’ve done to me you say was unintentional.  All of the pain that I’ve suffered at your words is too much.  I gave you my heart time and time again, yet you simply put it in a box in storage to open when you had already used up all of the boxes before it.  You have my heart and left me with only my brain.  What good does that do me?  It makes me see that I hate what I’m doing yet I don’t have the heart to stop.  Please, please, stop this.  You know what you do.  At one point I couldn’t imagine my life without you, now it is my fondest dream.  Please, understand what you do to me.  Please, leave me be.

Day Ten

Your best friend

Epic.  Glinda.  What more needs to be said? <3

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day Nine

Your Definition of Love

Knowing that there are no subjects off-limits with your partner and that you can talk about anything and everything with him/her.  When you feel so comfortable with him/her that the little things never matter.  Whenever you see him/her you get those butterflies and just know that it’s right.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day Ei8ht

Something you hate about yourself

I’d say that what I hate the most about myself is that the majority of the time, I have awful taste in men.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day Se7en.

Your crush.

Surprisingly enough, I don’t have a crush right now.  It’s not that I’m not looking, it’s just not working out.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Up Set.


Day Six

A song that makes you cry

Paramore: Misguided Ghosts

I am going away for a while
But I'll be back don't try and follow me
'Cause I'll return as soon as possible
See I'm trying to find my place
And it might not be here where I feel safe
We all learn to make mistakes
And run from them, from them
With no direction
We'll run from them, from them
With no conviction
'Cause I'm just one of those ghosts
Traveling endlessly
Don't need no roads
In fact they follow me
And we just go in circles
Now I'm told that this is life
And pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it
Would someone care to classify
Our broken hearts and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on
And run to them, to them
Full speed ahead
Oh you are not useless
We are just
Misguided ghosts
Traveling endlessly
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away
And there's no one road
We should not be the same
But I'm just a ghost
And still they echo me
They echo me in circles….

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 5

A photo of something you really hate

Oho I bet you were thinking I meant the bee!  I have a fear of plants so I find all of these little pieces of it really scary and nasty.  Ughh. Shudders.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 4

About your family

My family is awesome.  End of story.  Love ‘em to death and don’t know what I’d do without them.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 3

About Your Friends

My friends are amazing, bizarre, crazy, dynamic, extreme, f*cking amazing, great, hilarious, incredible, joking, kind, lively, magnificent, nose-bleed worthy, optimistic, pessimistic, que?, rousing, sensitive, terrific, ultimate, voluptuous (lol), wow, xylophone-loving, yowza, zowza.  They’re just so epic that they have their own words in the dictionary.  I love them so much and don’t know what I would do without them!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Blog Theme

Hello world!  Everything looks so different through this spiffy new font!  Well, I decided to change the theme of my blog to fit my current mood/ stress level.  All I’ve been thinking about are colleges, standardized testing, AP classes, work, work, work, will I get in?  I hope I get it!  (Props to any fellow musical nerds who got the reference.)  So I feel that binary code fits my current mental state.  Enjoy the swanky new 1001001010111011!  OH NOES IS THERE A TWO SOMEWHERE?!  A robot’s worst nightmare.  (Rhymes ftw.)

Day 2

The meaning behind your name:

There’s no real meaning behind my english name other than that my parents wanted to give their children names  that could be easily pronounced.  My middle name is that of my grandmother, Rose.  My hebrew name is Shoshana Riva, Shoshana, once again, meaning Rose.  So I’m just a delicate little Rose with a fear of myself. :P

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 1

5 Interesting Facts about yourself:

1.  I am a conservative Jew and proud of it.  I am not Jewish but rather, a Jew.  There is no “ish” or “somewhat” about it.

2.  I have a fear of plants.  It is called botanaphobia so I am not the only one.

3.  I own a blonde wig that I wear in public too often, causing me to receive odd looks.

4.  I have lived in the same city for all of my life and still know nothing about it.

5.  People who naturally get good grades without studying or putting in any effort tend to piss me off.  A lot.

30 Day Challenge

Thirty Day Challenge
Day 1: 5 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 2: The meaning behind your name.
Day 3: About your friends.
Day 4: About your family.
Day 5: A photo of something you really hate.
Day 6: A song that makes you cry.
Day 7: Your crush.
Day 8: Something you hate about yourself.
Day 9: Your definition of love.
Day 10: Your best friend.
Day 11: A letter to one of your exes.
Day 12: Your favorite female group.
Day 13: Your least favorite female group.
Day 14: Something you love about yourself.
Day 15: What you would if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant.
Day 16: A photo that makes you smile.
Day 17: A photo that makes you want to cry.
Day 18: A letter to someone you miss.
Day 19: A habit you wish you didn’t have.
Day 20: A letter to your parents.
Day 21: Short goals you wish to fulfill by the end of the month.
Day 22: Your nicknames & why you have them.
Day 23: What you would find in your bag.
Day 24: A song that makes you smile.
Day 25: How you found out about blogger & why you made one.
Day 26: First 10 songs to play on shuffle on your iPod.
Day 27: Your fashion style.
Day 28: What attracts you to someone.
Day 29: Future plans/goals.
Day 30: Who are you?

(Stolen from Adventures of a Misfit Librarian in all her awesomeness) :P

Spontaneous Combustion!

Last night a friend and I went into a Gavin Creel concert.  He was amazing.  Like WOW.  He sang a bunch of new songs that were incredible and my friend and I each got a picture with him.  And he sang Katy Pery’s “I Kissed a Girl” which was absolutely hilarious!  Despite that the food was somewhat satisfactory and we walked 10 blocks each way in 40 or so degrees, it was so worth it and the “tickets” were only $25 each!  Awesome night. (:

Here’s a video of an old performance of his so that you’ll know why I was swooning in my seat:


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Night from Hell

Oof so I’m absurdly tired after that awful night.

Stayed up until about 12.30 talking to friends on facebook and skype, tried to fall asleep for an hour.  Finished the last 60 pages of the book I started the day before, Perchance to Dream,by Lisa Matchev (highly recommend it!), then spent another hour trying fall sleep.  I think in the end, I was asleep by about 3 AM.  Woke up at 6, fell back asleep.  Mom woke my up at 9:20 to get ready for my Math SAT II tutor.  Hopefully today will be better.

Happy Halloween to all~!

The cover art is done by Jason Chan and it just leaves me starstruck!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I’m as Corny as Kansas in August!

So despite a few minor drawbacks today (like guidance losing one of my recommendations and resume), it was a pretty good day!  Had a nice long talk with one of my good friends and was really energetic.  Got told I look cute many a time.  Smiled from ear to ear and sang and skipped while walking home.  Who gives a hoot if I look crazy!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Happens When You First Realize You Can’t Breathe?

What happens when you first realize you can’t breathe?

What happens when the world you once knew so well turns foreign and distant?

What happens when all you once knew comes crashing down?

What happens when you start speaking in rhymes and dreaming in riddles?

What happens when you’re no longer sure of what you want to do? 

Where you want to go? 

What you want to be? 

Who you want to be?

What happens when you forget who you are?

Saturday, October 16, 2010



Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.

-Katherine Mansfield

Tra La La La Laaaaaaa

I LOVE Shabbat.

Slept till noon.

Got woken up by my puppy.

Did my nails.

Watched a movie.

Watched a few hours of an NCIS marathon.

Thought of how epic it would be if Jack McCoy and Gibbs met.

Went out to dinner with my parents.

Ate a –dun dun DUUUN- SALAD!

Wondered if Drag Queens get free drinks on Ladies’ Night in bars.

Saw my AP Gov teacher at the restaurant.

Remembered I had homework to do.

Shabbat ended, back to homework!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fun, Fun, Fun ‘Til My Daddy Took the T-Bird Away

So far school has just been so very fun!  I absolutely adore doing college applications and staying up half the night doing homework.  I love being stressed to the point where it gives me medical problems in addition to my headaches and backaches.  It overjoys me to miss Comic Con to take the SAT.  I hope senior year never ends!


(Please note sarcasm in previous statements.)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh How I Despise Stress

Everyone always says, “Oh senior year is soooo easy!  You get to sleep and do nothing!”  My response to that?  B.S.  Not only do I have absurd amounts of homework, but I have college applications on top of that!  I have to fix my essay, possibly construct a portfolio, find scholarships, APPLY to scholarships, and worst of all, choose what colleges I actually want to apply to.  Gosh, we’re  in high school!  How do we know what we want to do with the rest of our lives?!  Maybe I want to go into law, maybe education, maybe art, heck, maybe math!  I have no IDEA.  I’m still just a kid and I don’t know what I want to do.  My parents say they support whatever decision I make but I know that my dad wants me to go to his Ivy League alma matter and my mom says I don’t have to go to an Ivy League and then tells me to go look at Cornell!  I don’t mean to sound like I’m whining or complaining; I really just need an outlet to get out all of this stress.  And so far so good.

Oh and on top of all of that, I’m sick.  Lucky me, eh?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Can't think of any cool titles right now. Shucks.
Well, life is pretty good. College applications are annoying. Appointments gallore. Tomorrow I have an appointment with a chiropractor, Sunday I have an SAT Math tutor, Monday I have an appointment with my guidance councilor. Next Sunday I take the SAT again. A couple of Fridays from now I have a 4-year follow up appointment with my surgeon. But this Thursday and Friday are Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah so that's fun! Stay home from school, sleep, go to temple, and read. Fun fun! Still have to choose what college I want to go to and which to apply to. And AP Gov, AP Lang, and SUPA Spanish on top of that. I'll survive. It'll just take time.

(I love Photobucket) :P

Monday, September 27, 2010


Alright so I should be doing my AP Government outlines right now or at the very least reviewing vocabulary for Spanish.  But what am I doing instead?  Going on Facebook every five seconds.  Dang that website is far too addicting….

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why do People Cross Out and Circle Things on Their Calendars?

In life, you want to treasure each day.  By crossing out days on your calendar and circling dates, you’re looking at life as a set destination and not as a journey itself.  Don’t focus on the end, focus on how you get there.   When you’re reading a book, do you enjoy it more when you finish it and there’s no more, or when you’re reading it and savoring each word in order to get there?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Long Day

Up at 5 AM after a beautifully relaxing weekend and holiday.  ACT fun in Brooklyn.  Math and english were a breeze, science not so much.  You know something’s wrong when you’re praying for physics questions….  I had been freaking out because I thought that this AP Gov chapter summary was due on Tuesday but as it turns out, it’s due NEXT tuesday!  Yippeee!  So no more freak-outs now, at least not yet.  I still have to write 5 journal entries on The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and go over my spanish assignment though.  Keep in mind I’ve only had one half of a school day so far and yet there’s already all of this work.  Fun fun!

OH!  So I want your opinion.  I want to start doing a “Musical of the Week” kinda thing on my blog, like every week post about a musical who’s songs I have stuck in my head and the synopsis and maybe a few youtube links to the songs.  What do you think?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

Shana tova umetukah!  Starting tonight is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.  So I hope that all of you have a splendid new year and an incredible year!


Today was my first day back to school and I’ve definitely had better.  Difficult classes, annoying classmates, lots of homework.  Hey when a year starts off this bad, it can only get better!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What do you do with a BA in English?

I’m currently looking at colleges on collegeboard and hyperventilating at the thought of the application process ahead of me and all of the difficulties that this year will hold.

The song I have stuck in my head during all of this:

What do you do with a BA in English from Avenue Q

What do you do with a B.A. in English,
What is my life going to be?
Four years of college and plenty of knowledge,
Have earned me this useless degree.
I can't pay the bills yet,
'Cause I have no skills yet,
The world is a big scary place.
But somehow I can't shake,
The feeling I might make,
A difference,
To the human race.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Me and My Naiveté

I suppose that when my friends tell me that I have awful taste in guys, they’re really not kidding.  Whether it’s the more-than-a-little-too-friendly freshmen, the stalker sophomore, the jealous junior, or the stupid seniors.  There’s the one who only liked my best friend, the one who was completely oblivious to me and could barely remember my name, the over-obsessed stalker, or the one that was the first in my mind while I was fifth in his.  Call me a hopeless romantic, call me a farfetched dreamer, hell, call me naive, stupid, and foolish!   Don’t call this a silly little poem, call it a history book; because I’ve learned from my mistakes and won’t make them again….or so I tell myself.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Writing an Essay On Socrates

Alright, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE classic literature.  But mostly I mean Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, Edgar Allen Poe, Jane Austen, you know interesting and not completely confusing books.  But Plato?  Really?  Don’t get me wrong, I like the other books we have to read and I REALLY like the teacher.  She’s super nice and fun but philosophy and underlying meanings aren’t really my strong points….  I had to read Apology by Plato for my English class over the summer.  It’s a book all about Socrates’ trial.  It’s a relatively interesting topic but the understanding of it?  It’s worse than Shakespeare.  A LOT worse than Shakespeare.  I had to read every sentence at least 3 times over only to understand what he was saying!  And now, lucky me, I get to write an essay AAAALLL about it!  I have to write whether the trial was fair or whether the charges were illegitimate.  Well based on the fact that Socrates was a righteous man and had no bad intentions yet was sentenced to death, what do you think?  Actually that may make a very good thesis statement….  Hmmm…… Well, one sentence down, three more pages to go.  Ciao!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

On my new laptop!

Alright so I JUST got my new Dell laptop!  It’s an Inspiron 14 and so far I LOVE it.  It annoys me a little that I don’t have a mouse but I guess I can adjust!  As for now, I can’t wait to clear off my old computer from my desk, put this laptop on it, and rearrange my art supplies now that I’ll actually have free space on my desk!  Squee!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010


I dislike dentists. Greatly. Mean cavities. Mean Novocain. Half of my face is numb. xD

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Good Morning!

Some Morning Glory flowers (:


My puppy's name is Charlie and my fishie's name is Moby Dick. Charlie is 2 years old and Moby is about six. He's sweet and waves at us when we walk by.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gahhh AP Gov!

Oof! I'm doing my summer assignment for AP Gov and I really wish that I hadn't recycled my US notes the day that I finished my regents! I can't remember which president that was said to have had a split personality with his two terms because he was influenced by people! Gah curse my bad memory!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Pretty Incredible Week So Far!

Alright so this week has been pretty dang amazing so far, if I do say so myself.
  • Monday
    Alright so Monday wasn't fun until about 7:30 PM. I spent most of the day doing my summer Spanish homework (1/3 done now!) and went to the orthodontist. As it turns out, I went to my dentist last week and he told me that my gums are in really bad shape and I have a cavity. So at the orthodontist, I had this "permanent" brace on my back of my lower teeth taken off so that the plaque stops building up. I get to go to the dentist again tomorrow; yay!
    That evening, though, I went to the library where the Misfit Librarian was holding wii night and went hard at DDR, some silly dancing game, and mario kart. I beat two of my page friends at mario kart and some kids at the silly dancing game. It plays "Who Let the Dogs Out" but it is just so absurd! The moves are hilarious and the avatar makes you practically piss yourself with laughter! I spent about an hour talking with some friends outside the library after closing and then one treated me to a free slice of pizza. Yum!
  • Tuesday
    Good day, indeed! I woke up at about 7:30 to see my alarm clock saying 3:00. I start flipping out until I realize that the power went out during the night and I fell asleep again. At noon, I went to the diner with a close friend and we hung out and listened to classic musicals until 4. I then walked over to another friend's house and the 3 of us played super smash bros brawl, battleship, and law and order (a real board game! It's kind of like Clue).
  • Wednesday
    Today I hung out with a friend that I met in Israel and we walked around 2 miles in town. We watched bad Twilight spoofs and laughed and their patheticness. I got a mature (pshaw!) haircut (that'll be dyed purple on Friday!) and then watched South Pacific being performed live on TV with my musical friend. Such a touching musical! It was my second time seeing it and I still got teary-eyed!
Well so far this week has been good and let's hope it gets even better!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Oo La La Lips!

A little drawing I did of some lips. I used a reference from a Marie Claire makeup book and I really liked the end result! I used a prismacolor marker for the red and a black colored pencil for the shadow. I uploaded this to my deviantArt account, AngelfromHell64. You can see more of my art work there. Please let me know if you would like to see more of my artwork posted here!

The Beauty of Shabbat

Once a week, I can take a day for myself. Shut myself out from the real world and spend the day without technology or work. I can relax and spend time with my family and friends and not worry about the 100 pages of Nickel and Dimed due, the number of people that wrote on my wall on Facebook, or that "Degrassi" has a new episode coming out next fall. I can put the hustle and bustle of every day life behind me for 25 sweet hours and enjoy being myself, enjoy being an individual. This is what Israel taught me, among other things; that 6 days a week, we're slaves to our cellphones, but on Shabbat, we can finally rest.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Twenty-One Hours

So about twenty-one hours from now, I'll be on a plane heading towards the other side of the world! I don't remember how long the flight is and if anyone can tell me how long a flight from New York to Israel is, I'd be so grateful! I'm too lazy to search online. :P So at this point, I'm getting really hyped up! I'm just sad because I'll miss my friends, family, and pets so much! But I'll have new adventures and stories to tell! -Think positive thoughts, think positive thoughts!- I hope that while I'm away, you all have an awesome month as well! I'll be away until August 4th and my family wants me to keep a diary. In all honesty, I'll probably be using the diary as a sketchbook and not write in it much haha. Maybe I'll post something tomorrow, maybe not. I'll be frantic and relying on my Glindala to keep me sane! If I don't post anything tomorrow, I hope you all have a great month!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Three Days

So I'm leaving for Israel in three days. Tuesday evening I'm off on El Al. I'm freaking out. FREAKING. OUT. I've never been away from home for more than two weeks and this time I'll be away for an entire month. I don't know how I'll survive an entire month without my family and my dog and hamsters. I admit it's good practice for college but I'm still worried. Plus I don't know anyone else who's going. Everyone tells me that I'll make friends and be okay but I can't help but worry. I'll be half-a-world away from everyone that I know....

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Reason I Hate Makeup

Want to know the reason I hate makeup?
When you cry with makeup on, the world can see.
When you cry without makeup, you can easily wipe the tears away and pretend nothing was wrong.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Sweet Smell of Summer

Well, hello there summer, with your cool evenings and brutal afternoons.
Hello there months of joy, of sorrow, of relief.
Welcome, beach mornings, library afternoons, and video game evenings!
Open the door to beautiful sunrises and breathtaking sunsets.
Not saying that this is a fresh start, that I know any more now than I did a few days ago.
Just saying that these days, I intend to live to the fullest.
To have new adventures, see new things, meet new people, and forget the rest of the world.