Sunday, October 31, 2010

Night from Hell

Oof so I’m absurdly tired after that awful night.

Stayed up until about 12.30 talking to friends on facebook and skype, tried to fall asleep for an hour.  Finished the last 60 pages of the book I started the day before, Perchance to Dream,by Lisa Matchev (highly recommend it!), then spent another hour trying fall sleep.  I think in the end, I was asleep by about 3 AM.  Woke up at 6, fell back asleep.  Mom woke my up at 9:20 to get ready for my Math SAT II tutor.  Hopefully today will be better.

Happy Halloween to all~!

The cover art is done by Jason Chan and it just leaves me starstruck!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I’m as Corny as Kansas in August!

So despite a few minor drawbacks today (like guidance losing one of my recommendations and resume), it was a pretty good day!  Had a nice long talk with one of my good friends and was really energetic.  Got told I look cute many a time.  Smiled from ear to ear and sang and skipped while walking home.  Who gives a hoot if I look crazy!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Happens When You First Realize You Can’t Breathe?

What happens when you first realize you can’t breathe?

What happens when the world you once knew so well turns foreign and distant?

What happens when all you once knew comes crashing down?

What happens when you start speaking in rhymes and dreaming in riddles?

What happens when you’re no longer sure of what you want to do? 

Where you want to go? 

What you want to be? 

Who you want to be?

What happens when you forget who you are?

Saturday, October 16, 2010



Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.

-Katherine Mansfield

Tra La La La Laaaaaaa

I LOVE Shabbat.

Slept till noon.

Got woken up by my puppy.

Did my nails.

Watched a movie.

Watched a few hours of an NCIS marathon.

Thought of how epic it would be if Jack McCoy and Gibbs met.

Went out to dinner with my parents.

Ate a –dun dun DUUUN- SALAD!

Wondered if Drag Queens get free drinks on Ladies’ Night in bars.

Saw my AP Gov teacher at the restaurant.

Remembered I had homework to do.

Shabbat ended, back to homework!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fun, Fun, Fun ‘Til My Daddy Took the T-Bird Away

So far school has just been so very fun!  I absolutely adore doing college applications and staying up half the night doing homework.  I love being stressed to the point where it gives me medical problems in addition to my headaches and backaches.  It overjoys me to miss Comic Con to take the SAT.  I hope senior year never ends!


(Please note sarcasm in previous statements.)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh How I Despise Stress

Everyone always says, “Oh senior year is soooo easy!  You get to sleep and do nothing!”  My response to that?  B.S.  Not only do I have absurd amounts of homework, but I have college applications on top of that!  I have to fix my essay, possibly construct a portfolio, find scholarships, APPLY to scholarships, and worst of all, choose what colleges I actually want to apply to.  Gosh, we’re  in high school!  How do we know what we want to do with the rest of our lives?!  Maybe I want to go into law, maybe education, maybe art, heck, maybe math!  I have no IDEA.  I’m still just a kid and I don’t know what I want to do.  My parents say they support whatever decision I make but I know that my dad wants me to go to his Ivy League alma matter and my mom says I don’t have to go to an Ivy League and then tells me to go look at Cornell!  I don’t mean to sound like I’m whining or complaining; I really just need an outlet to get out all of this stress.  And so far so good.

Oh and on top of all of that, I’m sick.  Lucky me, eh?