Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Can't think of any cool titles right now. Shucks.
Well, life is pretty good. College applications are annoying. Appointments gallore. Tomorrow I have an appointment with a chiropractor, Sunday I have an SAT Math tutor, Monday I have an appointment with my guidance councilor. Next Sunday I take the SAT again. A couple of Fridays from now I have a 4-year follow up appointment with my surgeon. But this Thursday and Friday are Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah so that's fun! Stay home from school, sleep, go to temple, and read. Fun fun! Still have to choose what college I want to go to and which to apply to. And AP Gov, AP Lang, and SUPA Spanish on top of that. I'll survive. It'll just take time.

(I love Photobucket) :P

Monday, September 27, 2010


Alright so I should be doing my AP Government outlines right now or at the very least reviewing vocabulary for Spanish.  But what am I doing instead?  Going on Facebook every five seconds.  Dang that website is far too addicting….

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why do People Cross Out and Circle Things on Their Calendars?

In life, you want to treasure each day.  By crossing out days on your calendar and circling dates, you’re looking at life as a set destination and not as a journey itself.  Don’t focus on the end, focus on how you get there.   When you’re reading a book, do you enjoy it more when you finish it and there’s no more, or when you’re reading it and savoring each word in order to get there?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Long Day

Up at 5 AM after a beautifully relaxing weekend and holiday.  ACT fun in Brooklyn.  Math and english were a breeze, science not so much.  You know something’s wrong when you’re praying for physics questions….  I had been freaking out because I thought that this AP Gov chapter summary was due on Tuesday but as it turns out, it’s due NEXT tuesday!  Yippeee!  So no more freak-outs now, at least not yet.  I still have to write 5 journal entries on The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and go over my spanish assignment though.  Keep in mind I’ve only had one half of a school day so far and yet there’s already all of this work.  Fun fun!

OH!  So I want your opinion.  I want to start doing a “Musical of the Week” kinda thing on my blog, like every week post about a musical who’s songs I have stuck in my head and the synopsis and maybe a few youtube links to the songs.  What do you think?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

Shana tova umetukah!  Starting tonight is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.  So I hope that all of you have a splendid new year and an incredible year!


Today was my first day back to school and I’ve definitely had better.  Difficult classes, annoying classmates, lots of homework.  Hey when a year starts off this bad, it can only get better!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What do you do with a BA in English?

I’m currently looking at colleges on collegeboard and hyperventilating at the thought of the application process ahead of me and all of the difficulties that this year will hold.

The song I have stuck in my head during all of this:

What do you do with a BA in English from Avenue Q

What do you do with a B.A. in English,
What is my life going to be?
Four years of college and plenty of knowledge,
Have earned me this useless degree.
I can't pay the bills yet,
'Cause I have no skills yet,
The world is a big scary place.
But somehow I can't shake,
The feeling I might make,
A difference,
To the human race.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Me and My Naiveté

I suppose that when my friends tell me that I have awful taste in guys, they’re really not kidding.  Whether it’s the more-than-a-little-too-friendly freshmen, the stalker sophomore, the jealous junior, or the stupid seniors.  There’s the one who only liked my best friend, the one who was completely oblivious to me and could barely remember my name, the over-obsessed stalker, or the one that was the first in my mind while I was fifth in his.  Call me a hopeless romantic, call me a farfetched dreamer, hell, call me naive, stupid, and foolish!   Don’t call this a silly little poem, call it a history book; because I’ve learned from my mistakes and won’t make them again….or so I tell myself.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Writing an Essay On Socrates

Alright, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE classic literature.  But mostly I mean Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, Edgar Allen Poe, Jane Austen, you know interesting and not completely confusing books.  But Plato?  Really?  Don’t get me wrong, I like the other books we have to read and I REALLY like the teacher.  She’s super nice and fun but philosophy and underlying meanings aren’t really my strong points….  I had to read Apology by Plato for my English class over the summer.  It’s a book all about Socrates’ trial.  It’s a relatively interesting topic but the understanding of it?  It’s worse than Shakespeare.  A LOT worse than Shakespeare.  I had to read every sentence at least 3 times over only to understand what he was saying!  And now, lucky me, I get to write an essay AAAALLL about it!  I have to write whether the trial was fair or whether the charges were illegitimate.  Well based on the fact that Socrates was a righteous man and had no bad intentions yet was sentenced to death, what do you think?  Actually that may make a very good thesis statement….  Hmmm…… Well, one sentence down, three more pages to go.  Ciao!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

On my new laptop!

Alright so I JUST got my new Dell laptop!  It’s an Inspiron 14 and so far I LOVE it.  It annoys me a little that I don’t have a mouse but I guess I can adjust!  As for now, I can’t wait to clear off my old computer from my desk, put this laptop on it, and rearrange my art supplies now that I’ll actually have free space on my desk!  Squee!!!